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The power of positive self-talk and mindfulness in kids!

What actually is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is simply taking a moment to stop, breathe, think and pay attention to the world around you. It can help you relax, think about how you feel about something that’s happened or how you want to feel, as sometimes we just carry on and don’t reflect.

There have been lots of studies on how teaching mindfulness to children can help with learning, decision making, emotional intelligence, self-confidence and connection to others.

It’s been proven that the brain doesn’t know the difference between an imagined action or physical action. Meaning visualising and thinking positively can actually change what you physically do.

If i’m being honest, I used to think affirmations were a bit woo woo, but i’ve seen how powerful they are for me, especially on my business journey, but also i’ve seen the positive effects they’ve had on Poppy & Daisy.

I have personally always struggled with self doubt, which is even harder in the world of social media, so as a Mum I want to do all I can to make sure my girls do not tell themselves negative stories. I want them to feel great about themselves, feel confident in their abilities when trying new things and build resilience along the way.

Mindful Moments

“It’s ok to make mistakes” 

“I don’t give up” 

“I can learn new things” 

“I am unique” 

“I am loved”

“I believe in myself”

Imagine if children could really believe these affirmations about themselves and how it would make them feel and behave each day going to school, trying new sports or meeting new friends? 

Imagine how much less anxious they’d be and the healthy self-esteem they’d have!

With the last few years with the pandemic and with us personally going through anxieties with Daisy, we have created our “MINDFUL MOMENTS PINK” and “MINDFUL MOMENTS BLUE” kits for children to practise positive affirmations to help promote better mental health and set them up with positive thinking patterns.

What we do as a family to be mindful

I always ask Daisy and Poppy about how their day was and how they felt about things that happened in their day, as it helps them stop and ask themselves how they feel or how to deal with it differently if it happens again in the future.

As they’re still young, they need my guidance practising mindfulness, however they can they can work on being mindful themselves also by practising reading positive affirmations out loud each day.

We try to have dinner together each day and we make sure we discuss the highs and lows of the day and bring to light stories from the day that we may not get around to talking about with netball or dance classes to rush to all the time.

We go around the table and we all have to say what we’re grateful for. It’s a great way to get them to reflect on how lucky they are, even if they feel like they’ve had a bad day arguing with a school friend or not doing well as a test at school for example.

How to help your children to be HAPPY and MINDFUL

Happier kids are more likely to turn into successful, accomplished adults and generally enjoy a life filled with joy.

The first step is getting yourself happy. Laugh, spend time by yourself, hang out with your friends and fill your own cup.

Teach them to build good relationships, how to relate to others, empathy and teach them to perform small acts of kindness. Set a good example by doing these yourself.

Teach them to put in effort and try their best, but not to achieve perfect results.

Teach your children how to look at the bright side of things and to see the glass as half full in situations that get thrown at them.

Help them understand emotional intelligence by helping them understand and accept their own feelings of frustration, disappointment or anger and that these feelings are normal.

Enjoy more playtime, just having fun away from life’s responsibilities. Go out as a family, on nature walks taking in fresh air and running around.

Create a positive environment with less distractions like technology, more creative activities and lots of family time together playing games.

Eat dinner together!  Families who do are known to be more emotionally stable. It can be the best part of the day to all stop, talk about what happened at school, any friends issues, school work or to find out if  there is anything on their minds.

These are just some small simple steps to try to add into life. I do understand as a busy Mum that they are hard to fit into a chaotic daily juggle. But a few dinners together a week or a chat during cooking or making the lunches, could make all the difference to how they are feeling or tackle their  day ahead.

Give your child the responsibility themselves with affirmation cards to read aloud each morning and fit a little Mindful Moment into their daily routine. See if starts to make a difference to their mood, resilience and confidence. 

Poppy always comes to tell me which card she picked that day!

We can only hope that these new kits or happiness tips will help more children feel good about themselves and set them up for success and happiness!

Our MINDFUL collection